
2019年5月23日—EnhanceyourbrowsingexperiencewithUniversalSearchTab,aChromeextensionthatbringsanintuitivesearchboxtoyournewtabpage.,2022年10月23日—IsthereanywayyetwithSoftrorcustomcode,tocreateauniversalsearchbar?ImeanasearchbarthatisalwaysvisibleandwhereIcan ...,intuitiveStartpageforyourbrowserwithauniversalsearchbox:Customizeallsearch-enginesintheupperright-cornerofyournewtabpage.,2023年12月13...

Universal Search Tab

2019年5月23日 — Enhance your browsing experience with Universal Search Tab, a Chrome extension that brings an intuitive search box to your new tab page.

Adding a universal search bar

2022年10月23日 — Is there any way yet with Softr or custom code, to create a universal search bar? I mean a search bar that is always visible and where I can ...

Universal Search Tab

intuitive Startpage for your browser with a universal search box: Customize all search-engines in the upper right-corner of your new tab page.


2023年12月13日 — Global search box located at the top center of the Power Query editor window. 搜尋結果. 若要使用全域搜尋方塊,請選取搜尋方塊,或按Alt + Q。在您 ...

Redd's UX Design Patterns #2

2019年6月20日 — The second in our video series covering topics related to UX design, it's a UX design pattern that we see everywhere — the universal search.

Universal Search

Measure and iterate on search experiences with analytics about usage, failed searches, suggestions, and more. Search Picture. Easy customization. Fine-grained ...

What is Universal Search

The term “Universal Search” covers results from areas such as News, Images, Maps, Video, and Shopping, now implemented in the organic search results and can be ...

How Universal Search Works

2020年5月27日 — “Universal search is the ability to search all content across multiple databases through a single search box. Although content sources might ...